James Riley

Financial Planner

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser James Riley, Warrington

During business hours

James has been immersed in the financial services profession since his graduation in 1997. His journey has taken him through various positions, including working for banks, providers, and as a mortgage broker before becoming a financial adviser. Since October 2011, he’s been an integral part of the Apogee team.

James enjoys working with company directors and families to assist with planning for the next generation. He helps create tax-efficient income and retain family wealth through pension reviews, Inheritance Tax and investment planning.

Out of office hours

James is a huge lover of sports and it’s beside or on the hockey pitch where he truly shines. He is the men’s chair of his local hockey club, a member of the England Masters Squad and showcases his skills as a 1st XI player.

Beyond playing, he imparts his knowledge as a certified FIH level 2 coach, and a qualified umpire.